Yaya Foundation Hosts Its First Global Seminar
Scientific Seminar Focuses on RNA Polymerase III
An international collaborative of leading scientists gathered on April 15, 2021 to discuss RNA Polymerase III structures, mechanisms and potential for intervention. Structural Biology Professor Alessandro Vannini of both the Human Technopole Institute in Milan and the Institute of Cancer Research in London presented the leading science of what is known about POL III as well as engaging the group of forty scientists from around the world on leading basic science questions that are yet to be answered.

Key themes included…
- Several labs around the world are studying and interested in RNA Polymerase III (POL III) and there is now a better understanding of the POL III structure
- POL III is implicated in countless other diseases, including cancer and immunodeficiencies
- The next steps are to identify which basic research questions are most valuable to answer regarding its pathogenesis; this might include:
- Molecular mechanisms of pathogenesis
- Tools to recapitulate 4H Leukodystrophy
- Various therapeutic intervention such as gene therapy
- Intentional and strategic collaboration and organization of our resources related to studying POL III will serve our community best in accelerating therapeutic discovery
“It’s great having this forum here to discuss collaboration to divide and conquer. Ultimately, as basic research scientists, we have to do our best to drive this to potential benefit for this community.“
Professor Alessandro Vannini,
Human Technopole Institute in Milan and
The Institute of Cancer Research in London
This highly informative and insightful presentation exceeded expectations of engagement and collaboration amongst the seminar group and the Yaya Foundation is incredibly appreciative. Convening in this manner proved very productive in many ways and the Yaya Foundation looks forward to continuing to nurture and even kickstart this type of collaboration in upcoming seminars.
The Yaya Foundation believes that discovering therapies for those affected by 4H Leukodystrophy takes collaboration from all of us. Please engage with us if you have questions about this seminar via info@yayafoundation4hl.org. And if you would like to be informed of future scientific seminars, or if you have an idea for a future seminar topic, please send us your contact information via our website.
Again, a special Thank You to Professor Alessandro Vannini and Sebastien Fribourg for kicking off our scientific seminars and sparking further collaboration!